Saturday, August 11, 2007


Well, we are all now back from Brazil... nearly. Our group had many travel woes with the airlines, but all-in-all as usual it was a wonderful trip. 876 first time decisions for Jesus as Savior.

Now, Pr. Kraig Neet from Longview, WA is still there in Rondonia to do a drug rehab program training. Troy Smith the author of the S.A.F.E. (Setting Addicts Free Eternally) allowed us to translate it into Portuguese for use in Brazil. One of the state policemen that is a member of FBC Cerejeiras, RO got his government rehab group to approve giving it a try. It has had an 80% effectiveness here in the USA. We made it L.I.V.E. in Portuguese (Libertando Viciados Eternamente). Next week he is training 140-150 state drug rehab personnel in how to administrate the program on both in and outpatient settings. Many of these people are not believers, so pray for his evangelization during the training.

Next year... July 16-30!! Mark your calendars and plan to go with us. Email for more info.